Jun 3, 2008

i heart green satin shoes

i think these might be the perfect pair. eek! i just ordered them online in a size 6 and 6.5. endless.com is great cause they have free overnight shipping and free returns. i know my colors are pink and brown, but these are just TOO fabulous. i know not everyone will see my shoes on wedding day, but i'll feel fabulous in these. plus all the wedding photos will required the presence of amazing shoes. (and only $124!!)

inspiration from vince camuto


Tara Vorhes said...

oh my i heart those green shoes too! they are fantastic!

and definitely a pair of shoes you can wear again... maybe on an anniversary!

good choice!

Tiffany said...


I'm all about good shoes, I don't even care if nobody sees my shoes. I still need fabulous shoes to wear!

prettygeeky.com said...

I'm loving all of your shoe choices, I've always wanted to wear red satin (and bling) shoes for my wedding. =p

K.A. said...

Love 'em! I'm so glad someone else cares about wedding shoes! I don't feel so bad now... :) Thank you!