Aug 20, 2008

more ocean views

here are a few more photos I took of the venue we are considering. the potential bogey is the weather in december but they have a gorgeous back-up fireside room (the very bottom picture). isn't the view breathtaking? i love all the flowers and green surrounding. we are going to visit again this december to scope it out a bit more.

all images are from the author


Ten Thousand Only said...

beautiful. is this a residence or an actual wedding venue?

Tiffany said...

it looks beautiful!

janet - roses or ranunculus said...

it is an actual wedding venue! it is the highlands inn in carmel, california.

Devon said...

My aunt and uncle got married at the Highlands Inn and it was a gorgeous wedding. A little bit loud outside because of the highway traffic but you could still hear what was going on. The food was great too, everything went smoothly, they have a great wedding coordinator.

Piper Jacquelyn said...

Oh my, those are some gorgeous views! Not like anything you'll get here in Omaha. I say go for it!